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    The terror attacks in 2001, on September 11, may have been the most devastating event in American history. These were four coordinated attacks by the terrorist group al-Quaeda. These attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 others. This terror group hijacked planes and sent 2 of them into the north and south towers of the world trade center. A third plane crashed into the pentagon and lead to a partial collapse of the Western wall. The 4th plane crashed in Stonycreek township. These attacks were a shock to America.

     All Americans watched these attacks with horror and shock and just didn't know what to do. Families were broken in a matter of seconds and they had to try and identify all of the dead bodies. This was the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officials. The fourth plane that was supposed to hit the White House ended up missing because of the heroes in the plane that fought back against the terrorists.All in all this was a terrible event in America.


  1. Wow! Great writing fluency and facts. I really hate this event and hate how it affected the United States.


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