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Hits and Misses

Something I felt was a hit this year was my Purple Hibiscus projects. I felt like I had put a lot of effort into these projects and I think I did really well in them. I did really well I think especially in the bread and butters and in the appetizer. I thought I did well with going in depth and analyzing the different quotes a lot. I also thought the appetizer was really good because I did a political timeline and it took a lot more time than the other appetizer projects and I thought I did really well with it.

I think I missed on part in the bread and butters and the same time that I did really well on them. I thought I didn't't always choose the best quotes and I chose very similar ones and it make some my analysis sound redundant. I thought my main miss was on the Poetry Test. I felt likeI was going to end up doing a lot better on that than I ended up actually doing. I think that was the thing I did worst in this school year in English.


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