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Vocabulary free post

     The past few basketball seasons for LSU have been pitiful. That is why I was so excited when Will Wade was hired for the head coaching job. This makes me feel like it is inevitable that we will soon be good. Maybe in two years maybe in 5. Ben and I would go to the LSU basketball games even when we were bad such as last year. Now that we have landed some great recruits, it is time to muse the possibilities of us being a championship team in the near future.

     I am looking forward to this basketball season alot more now as we are going to be a lot better. The first game is this Friday and we can't wait. I especially can't wait for the SEC opener against Kentucky which is always really hype and fun. I can't wait for this season as a whole.


  1. I hope Will Wade can turn the program back into a winning program too! I hope to get tickets to the Kentucky game. Great job using the vocabulary words for the great piece of writing.

  2. I have my hopes up for basketball soon. Although, we will have to get some better recruits if we want to be a championship contender.

  3. I like how passionate you are about a team that has seen its ups and downs. I am also excited about the new coach.

  4. It was nice mentioning this. I hope he turns around.

  5. I hope the basketball team gets better soon. however, I know pretty much nothing about it. :) great job!

  6. I like how you incorporated the words into this blog. You use them really well.


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